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All staff and students gathered in the Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park on Friday for a giant Fun Run in aid of Well done all!


Really well done to students awarded for 'no negative points since January' - here enjoying some well-earned leisure time.


Our latest Weekly Community Bulletin is out now and on our website.


Our latest Weekly Community Bulletin is out now.


Lot's of fun and excitement for at HSAEL last week.


This week's Weekly Community Bulletin is now available on our website.


Our latest Weekly Community Bulletin is now available on our website.


Year 11 Art students visiting Modern and the last week for inspiration and research for their GCSE Component 2, which requires them to develop a personal response to an externally set theme.


Our latest Weekly Community Bulletin is now available.


Read our latest teaching blog. "Learning is like finding yourself abandoned in the middle of the ocean on a desert island. Somewhere on the island, covered in rocky terrain, with unpredictable weather and vicious wildlife, X marks the spot."


This week's Community Bulletin is now available on our website.


We are looking forward to meeting with talented educators at the Federation Recruitment Fair on Saturday 8 February in Central London. You can register your interest in the event here:


We are looking forward to meeting with talented educators at the Federation Recruitment Fair on Saturday 8 February in Central London. You can register your interest in the event here:


Our latest community weekly bulletin is now available on our website.


Our latest Weekly Community Bulletin is now available on our website.


In April24, the amount people can earn before they start paying the High Income Child Benefit Charge increased to £60k. For parents/carers who have not yet claimed Child Benefit it can now be financially worth their while.


Students from 'Be the Change' club are working with to create a 'wildlife corridor' and a place of serenity for students next to the River Lea. We are at the design state and students have great plans. Update to follow! We are grateful to for their support.


In April24, the amount people can earn before they start paying the High Income Child Benefit Charge increased to £60k. For parents/carers who have not yet claimed Child Benefit it can now be financially worth their while.


Our weekly Community Bulletin is out now.


"The HALO is a person who knows your family & knows your circumstances, who gives up a bit of their time to call you & say: 'We miss you. We noticed that you’re not here today. What can we do to get you in?' " , , in :

Harris Academies
All Academies in our Federation aim to transform the lives of the students they serve by bringing about rapid improvement in examination results, personal development and aspiration.

Central Office


















Subject intent

The mission for languages at HSAEL is for them to become a leader in whatever they choose to do. Languages form a central part of the knowledge and skills our students need to have global impact.

Subject links to HSAEL values

Studying MFL will help students to be leaders in their chosen field because...

It takes students out of their comfort zone (and show growth) by giving them the confidence and skills to communicate in a foreign language.

It helps students tackle social injustice (and demonstrate responsibility) by providing them with a route to developing a skill that will make them more employable, live longer and exert more influence than their monolingual peers.

It helps promote ambition by giving them opportunities to secure qualifications in a subject that is in terminal decline in the UK and that is highly sought after in the world of work.

It celebrates diversity (compassion) by exposing them to another culture, encouraging them to travel and explore a group of countries within a short travelling distance.

It helps students develop independence (excellence) by mastering the mechanics of the language that will enable them to decode, spot patterns and explore challenging texts.

This subject is particularly important at HSAEL because national uptake for languages is in decline, and this is especially true for subjects such as French and German in areas of high deprivation. Places at the best universities for MFL are often the reserve of more advantaged students because their schools have offered a strong MFL provision. For our students to stand shoulder to shoulder with these students in later life, they need to have the opportunity to study MFL at university and beyond.


Russell Group University – MML at university of Cambridge. Students must be proficient users of MFL, but also have an interest and passion in art, literature, film, music and politics. Examples of the types of texts/ topics to be studied can be found here: and here: FR1: Introduction to French literature, film and thought | Faculty of Modern and Medieval Languages and Linguistics (



Autumn 1

Autumn 2

Spring 1

Spring 2

Summer 1

Summer 2

Year 7

Cultural Component :

Impressionist Art

Street Art

My Personal World

All about me and people around me

My Personal World

All about me and people around me

My School Subjects and My School Life

My School Subjects and My School Life

My Free time : Sports and Media

My Free time : Sports and Media



Year 8

Cultural Component :

Le Monde Francophone (French speaking counties (29) around the world)

My Neighbourhood and Around Town

My Neighbourhood and Around Town

My Holiday Activities and Holiday Memories

My Holiday Activities and Holiday Memories

My Life at Home and Hobbies

My Life at Home and Hobbies


Year 9

Cultural Component :

Film Study : Le Petit Nicolas

My Personal World and My Personal Relationships

My Personal World and My Personal Relationships

My Lifestyle, the Influence of Media and Healthy Mind, Healthy Body

My Lifestyle, the Influence of Media and Healthy Mind, Healthy Body

Let's Look After the Planet

Being a Responsible Citizen


Film Study : Le Petit Nicolas

Year 10

Media and technology

Media and technology/My personal world

My Personal World and My Personal Relationships

My Studies and My future plans

 My future plans

A healthy lifestyle and wellbeing

Year 11

My Neighbourhood and Going on holiday

My future plans (jobs and ambitions)

Class specific revision, based on QLA data and individual strengths and areas for development

- Theme 1 : Identity and culture

- Theme 2 : Local, national, international and global areas of interest

- Theme 3 : Current and future study and employment

GCSE Exams

Year 12

Bridging unit: Intense grammar focus

Bridging unit: Technology in the modern world

Social issues: The changing nature of family (La famille en voie de changement), The 'cyber-society' (La « cyber-société »), The place of voluntary work (Le rôle du bénévolat)

Artistic culture in the French-speaking world:

Current Social Issue Trends :

Begin Independent Research Project

Film: La Haine

Class specific revision, based on QLA data and individual strengths and areas for development


Year 13

Book Focus : Kiffe Kiffe Demain

Aspects of political life in the French-speaking world

Class specific revision, based on QLA data and individual strengths and areas for development




Autumn 1

Autumn 2

Spring 1

Spring 2

Summer 1

Summer 2

Year 10

My Personal World and My Personal Relationships


Media and technology


My Lifestyle, and Healthy Mind, Healthy Body


My Neighbourhood and Around Town


 Being a Responsible Citizen


Class specific revision, based on QLA data and individual strengths and areas for development

Year 11

Global issues, Being a Responsible Citizen


Class specific revision, based on QLA data and individual strengths and areas for development

- Theme 1 : Identity and culture

- Theme 2 : Local, national, international and global areas of interest

- Theme 3 : Current and future study and employment

GCSE Exams

For GCSE for current Year 11 students, MFL follows the AQA exam board. See the specification here French and German.

For GCSE for current Year 10 students, MFL follows the Edexcel exam board. See here for French and German.

For A-Level, MFL follows the AQA exam board. See the specification here for French.

How does the study of French link to future careers?

Proficiency in French can significantly boost your career prospects, as it's a valuable asset in fields like business, government agencies such as those dealing with diplomacy, finance, marketing, tourism, and education. Additionally, mastery of a MFL significantly enhances employability and lead to higher salaries. Employers often seek candidates who can communicate in multiple languages, as this skill is crucial for client relations. Bilingual or multilingual employees are highly valued, often securing roles more easily and commanding higher wages due to their ability to bridge communication gaps and foster international partnerships.

Moreover, mastering a second language improves cognitive abilities, enhances problem-solving skills, and provides a competitive edge in the global job market. Whether you are studying English, Maths, History, English or any other specialty, pursuing French will positively impact your educational journey For example, students who know more than one language performed two to three times better on exams compared with students who knew only one language, according to a study at New York Univeristy” (Tracy Bower, PhD, Forbes Magazine).

Students have the opportunity to take part in a variety of extra-curricular MFL activities at HSAEL including :

  • 2024-25 Trip to France
  • French Club
  • Pen-pal letters with French students at another Harris Federation School.
  • CED opportunities
  • Impressionist Art Project