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Our sixth form was three times oversubscribed last year, thanks to a huge improvement in results. Outcomes up by over a grade and %A*-C up by a huge 25%. Apply early to secure your place for 2025.


Our sixth form was three times oversubscribed last year, thanks to a huge improvement in results. Outcomes up by over a grade and %A*-C up by a huge 25%. Apply early to secure your place for 2025.



Our latest weekly Community Bulletin is now available on our website.


Open Evening and Open Days in October. Please book your place via our website.


We believe the students at our school can change the world. Come help them fulfil their potential! 1 in 4 grades were 8 or 9 at GCSE last year and we have eliminated the disadvantaged gap. Visits welcome.


We believe our students can change the world. Come join our talented English dpt to help them smash the class ceiling. Visits welcome - get in touch!


Our first Weekly Community Bulletin of the new academic year is out now on our website. Please follow the link below.


It's the first day of the new academic year! Following on from our great exam results, we're really excited to meet our new Y7 students and, of course, welcome back Y12 students. All year groups will be in tomorrow and we are looking forward to a fantastic year.


Just two years after opening, HSAEL is celebrating a set of results likely to place it among the most improved schools in England, with a quarter of GCSEs awarded a top grade 8 or 9 – twice the national rate.aWell done to our amazing students and staff!


I wanted to take a moment to express my heartfelt gratitude to HSAEL and the entire staff at Harris Academy for the support and guidance that has contributed to my daughter’s academic success. Thank you again for playing a significant role in her educational journey.


🌟Today's the day. A-Level Results Day 2024. 🌟Good luck and congratulations to all our students receiving their exam results today. Whatever your next step, you have bright futures ahead!#ResultsDay2024


This is a phenomenal achievement, positioning the Academy as one of the most improved in the country for second year running.100% of Philosophy students secured A*-B gradesPass rate improved to 97% which is above nat average.The percentage of A*-B grades was up 5% on last year


(1/2) Year 13 students and staff at HSAEL are celebrating the results of the Academy transformation today, with the average grade secured by each student up by more than a grade in each subject...


Starting to get ready for the new school year?If your teen is staying in education or training, you’ll need to extend your Child Benefit claim.Don’t miss out on up to £1,331 next year - let us know online or on the HMRC app today.Go to


Starting to get ready for the new school year?If your teen is staying in education or training, you’ll need to extend your Child Benefit claim.Don’t miss out on up to £1,331 next year - let us know online or on the HMRC app today.Go to


Starting to get ready for the new school year?If your teen is staying in education or training, you’ll need to extend your Child Benefit claim.Don’t miss out on up to £1,331 next year - let us know online or on the HMRC app today.Go to


Starting to get ready for the new school year?If your teen is staying in education or training, you’ll need to extend your Child Benefit claim.Don’t miss out on up to £1,331 next year - let us know online or on the HMRC app today.Go to


Our latest Weekly Community Bulletin is now available on our website. Please follow the link below.

Harris Academies
All Academies in our Federation aim to transform the lives of the students they serve by bringing about rapid improvement in examination results, personal development and aspiration.

Central Office

















Leadership Development Time (PSHERE)

Leadership Development Time (personal, social, health and economic, relationship and sex education) will help students to be leaders in their chosen field because it helps them to aim high, by establishing clear and challenging goals with a defined pathway, demonstrate grit to overcome challenges whilst nurturing good physical and mental wellbeing in themselves and others. It also gives students the skill set to foster and maintain positive relationships to build successful networks.  

It takes students out of their comfort zone (and show growth) by overcoming challenges, all while nurturing good physical and mental well-being in themselves and others.  

It helps students tackle social injustice (and demonstrate responsibility) by exploring all aspects of physical and mental health, how to help themselves and those at risk safe on and offline. 

It helps promote ambition by providing support in establishing clear and challenging goals with a defined pathway. Students are guided to set and pursue ambitious objectives, understanding the steps required to achieve success in their chosen fields. 

It celebrates diversity (compassion) by teaching students to foster and maintain positive relationships to build successful networks.  

By valuing diverse perspectives, students learn the importance of empathy and inclusion. 

It helps students develop independence (excellence) by encouraging them to take initiative and make informed decisions about their future. This skill is crucial for personal and professional growth. 

Each term is themed around leadership linking with the Academy values of GRACE: 

Autumn: Aim high, by establishing clear and challenging goals with a defined pathway (Ambition and Excellence) 

Spring: Foster and maintain positive relationships to build successful networks (Compassion and Responsibility) 

Summer: Demonstrating grit to overcome challenges whilst nurturing good physical and mental wellbeing in themselves and other (Growth) 

The curriculum can be founder on theLDT subject page.

The RSHE policy can be found here

When is it delivered?

Leadership Development Time is delivered once a fortnight in a 2-hour block, on a Monday week B. It is delivered at the same time to all students from Year 7-13.

How is it delivered?

Leadership Development Time is delivered by tutors who know the students best. An LDT lesson follows the HSAEL lesson structure and students are set fortnightly core knowledge homework, which is then checked at the start of each lesson. Students will receive a booklet at the start of each lesson to guide them through, which is then stored in the student’s leadership portfolio.

At typical LDT lesson will follow the below structure:

  • Read Now: Contextual safeguarding
  • Daily Review: Checking understanding of prior knowledge from previous lessons and homework.
  • Exposition: Delivery of new content focussing on that week’s topic.
  • Deliberate Practice: Split into DP1, 2 and 3 to ensure all students can access the learning and are challenged.

Supporting students

At the end of each lesson students are provided with signposting for where they might seek support both internally and externally, based on the topics that have been delivered in the lesson. The LDT resources are added to the student SharePoint folder, where students can revisit the content of the lesson in their own time. For our SEND students there is a termly support session to ensure they are supported with their learning across all topics.

Supporting staff

Staff are supported in the delivery of LDT through regular CPD delivered by the safeguarding team and external agencies. Resources are planned centrally, and lesson visits are arranged during the LDT slot to support the delivery of these lessons. Less experienced tutors are paired with more experienced ones to ensure the LDT lessons are delivered effectively. 

Parents and carers

The LDT curriculum is readily available for parents/carer to view on the website and in each community bulletin the upcoming topics are shared including any key updates.

Parents/carers are free to withdraw their children from Sex and Relationships aspects of the LDT curriculum if they wish to do so. The only exceptions to this are the biological aspects of animal growth and reproduction that are essential elements of National Curriculum Science. To discuss this further please contact the academy:

External organisations

We work with a number of external organisations to compliment the delivery of some of the LDT topics. Please see below which organisations we have worked with and which topics they cover.


Kooth Workshop

Mental Health

NHS Mental Health Workship

Anxiety and Exam Stress

Girls support Girls workshop

Body Image and HealthyRelationships

TFL Sexual Harassment

Sexual Harassment and Consent

Talk the talk year 7 transition support

Confidence and Friendships


Consent, Sexual Harassment, HSB

Just Like Us

Bullying and LGBTQ+

Newham Road Safety Team

Road Safety

Game Changer

Child Criminal Exploitation (CCE) and County Lines

Absnt Mind

Mental Health, Body Image, Cyber Bullying


Healthy Relationships

Cancelled - little Fish Theatre

Online Safety

UK Feminista

Sexual Harassment and Consent

Voice Box CIC

Health masculinity and harmful behaviours

“To Be Continued” Theatre production & Workshop

Healthy Relationships

Loud Mouth
